How does CBD work for Pain Relief?
Whether you’re a gym-goer or outdoor sports enthusiast, the evidence is clear that spending time exercising is exceptional for your overall health.
People with rheumatoid arthritis, for instance, can benefit from being outdoors or working out in the gym, but their pain often prevents them from engaging in these constructive activities.
Unfortunately, a lot of people avoid restorative activities because these activities cause or exacerbate the physical pain they experience in their joints or muscles.
How CBD Can Help You Get Moving Pain Free
Those dedicated to overcoming their pain may pursue a variety of different options for treating their pain – from medications to surgery.
These approaches, however, are often associated with side effects, and they may be both ineffective and costly. Recent research has shown that CBD may overcome some of these shortfalls observed with other pain interventions.
It is indeed well-established that the endocannabinoid system plays a critical role in regulating pain and inflammation, and there is evidence that products containing CBD, which acts on the endocannabinoid system, can help with several types of pain.
Research also suggests that CBD may be relevant for those managing chronic pain. CBD is thought to be a promising candidate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, and topical use of CBD has been shown to inhibit pain in this condition.
How CBD Can Influence Pain Perception
Although it appears that CBD can lessen the sensitivity of pain receptors in the joints, the exact mechanisms by which it alleviates pain in conditions like osteoarthritis remain unclear. Scientific studies suggest two main pathways through which CBD may exert its effects.
One possible mechanism is that CBD may directly reduce pain perception by interacting with cannabinoid receptors, particularly CB2 receptors. By influencing these receptors, CBD may alter the way certain stimuli impact pain receptors, leading to a decreased sensation of pain. CB2 receptors are known to interact with nearby channels, such as TRPV1 channels, which play a role in modulating joint pain.
Another way CBD might alleviate pain is by reducing inflammation, which can contribute to pain. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may help protect nerves and reduce pain by decreasing inflammation in the joints. This includes the suppression of inflammatory cells called cytokines, which are part of the immune system’s response.
Additionally, CBD can increase the presence of myeloid-derived suppressor cells, which help to curb inflammation. Recent findings suggest that CBD inhibits the adenosine transporter, enhancing the activity of the adenosine A2A receptor, an anti-inflammatory receptor. Thus, CBD may combat inflammation through multiple biological pathways.
Key Takeaways About CBD and Pain Relief
There is mounting data to suggest that CBD can help people overcome chronic pain, mainly by affecting critical receptors in the nervous system and by combatting problematic inflammation.
Ongoing clinical trials will help to clarify how exactly CBD can be used to combat pain and the best ways to use it to ensure that you get plenty of enjoyable time outdoors.