Existing research suggests that CBD oil may alleviate anxiety. In this article, we explain what full spectrum CBD oil is, how CBD may help relieve anxiety or symptoms associated with anxiety, safety concerns about CBD, and where to buy quality CBD products.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the most prevalent compound found in hemp plants, primarily located in the flowers and leaves. It is one of over 100 cannabinoids that can be extracted from the plant and is used to create a wide array of products, including CBD oil, lotions, creams, edibles, and capsules.

CBD has surged in popularity as more people discover its therapeutic benefits, particularly its natural anti-inflammatory properties.

What Is Full Spectrum CBD Oil?

Full spectrum CBD oil contains a wide range of cannabinoids beyond just CBD, including CBN, CBDV, THCV, CBG, CBC, THCA, and CBDA. It also includes other beneficial compounds from the hemp plant, such as naturally-occurring terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, and more.

In contrast, CBD isolate is a form of CBD where the CBD molecule is chemically separated from all other compounds in the hemp plant. This results in a pure CBD powder, which is then typically mixed with a carrier.

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CBD isolates have no identifiable amount of THC and they’re stripped of the other beneficial and nutritional compounds, such as terpenes, flavonoids, vitamins, and protein mentioned above.

Is Full Spectrum CBD Oil Better Than CBD Isolate?

A 2015 study by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Hadassah School found that full spectrum CBD extract was more effective at treating inflammation than CBD isolate. They concluded that the additional cannabinoids and compounds in the full spectrum extract work synergistically with CBD, enhancing its anti-inflammatory effects. This phenomenon is known as “The Entourage Effect.”

Comparatively, using CBD isolate is like consuming bread that has been stripped of most of its nutritional value.

What Is Anxiety?

According to Mayo Clinic, individuals with anxiety experience an intense and persistent worry or fear about everyday situations. Though there is a wide variety of anxiety disorders, they share a similar quality: frequent episodes of sudden fear or terror that can reach a peak within minutes, described as panic attacks.

There are 40 million Americans — about 18 percent — who have an anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Safety, health and finances consistently rank as the highest sources of anxiety.

Common Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety manifests itself differently for everyone, but common symptoms include:

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense
  • Feeling a sense of danger, panic or doom
  • Trembling or sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea
  • Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)
  • Struggling to control the worrying
  • Avoiding situations that trigger anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Gastrointestinal problems

How Can Full Spectrum CBD Oil Relieve Anxiety?

Promising data for the anxiolytic effects of CBD were initially demonstrated in animals in the 1970s and 1980s, and later in humans. The first studies on the impact of CBD on human anxiety utilized the Simulated Public Speaking Test.

Researchers found that CBD could improve the social anxiety brought on by this test. Interestingly, though CBD is often ingested alongside THC, the intoxicating ingredient in cannabis, CBD appears to mitigate anxiety that accompanies THC consumption.

Research has since highlighted a potential role of CBD in alleviating symptoms of anxiety across a variety of anxiety-related disorders including:

CBD may mitigate anxiety through its impact on specific chemical systems of the brain. Imaging studies on the brain have shown that CBD leads to patterns of activity that are consistent with lowering of anxiety.

How To Use CBD Oil for Anxiety

We recommend starting with a full spectrum CBD extract (CBD oil) taken sublingually one to two times per day. Sublingually means placing the oil under your tongue using the dropper and holding it there for 60-90 seconds, or until the oil has been absorbed.

CBD extracts tend to have the highest bioavailability among CBD products, meaning they are absorbed into your bloodstream at a higher percentage than CBD foods or beverages.

How To Take CBD for Anxiety: Sublingual and Oral Applications

There are a couple ways to take CBD oil to impact anxiety. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each application method, especially regarding CBD bioavailability — the rate at which CBD enters your bloodstream.

1) Sublingual Application. This involves using a dropper to place the oil under your tongue. Sublingual administration works by exposing the sublingual gland, a vein found under the tongue, to the CBD. Leave the CBD oil under your tongue for 60-90 seconds until it’s absorbed. This allows CBD to enter the bloodstream more directly than if it were swallowed and subjected to the digestive system.

CBD edibles, like caramels, chocolates, or other candies, also work by way of sublingual application. When the candy is sucked on or allowed to melt in your mouth, CBD makes its way into the bloodstream through the sublingual gland.

2) Oral Application: CBD can be taken orally by way of CBD capsules, much like your standard medication. CBD capsules are a convenient way to monitor dosage and avoid the taste and texture of CBD oils, which some people find unfavorable.

However, like all substances ingested orally, CBD capsules will not take effect immediately, because they have to travel through our digestive systems before entering our blood circulation.

In addition, because capsules are subject to our metabolisms and digestive systems, they will be broken down in a way that lowers their bioavailability.

Research into the bioavailability of CBD suggests that products taken orally are associated with a bioavailability of less than 20%. What this means is, in order to attain the same level of relief, the concentration or dose of CBD products taken orally needs to be higher than what would be required if you took your CBD sublingually, for example.

How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?

Regarding the proper dose of CBD, the best practice is to identify the lowest dose necessary to realize your desired benefits.

Starting with 25mg of CBD per day (equivalent to one dropper of our 750mg extract), then gradually increasing or decreasing your dosage until you reach your desired state, is a reliable approach.

What Are The Risks or Side Effects Associated with CBD oil?

If you have concerns or are taking other medication, we advise that you speak to a physician before adding CBD oil to your healthcare regimen.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

While no major health or safety concerns have been associated with the use of CBD oil alone, some drug interactions have been identified, particularly with blood thinners and glaucoma medications.

Other side effects that have been reported are:

  • drowsiness
  • diarrhea (this is often due to the coconut oil in many CBD products)
  • headaches

Is CBD Oil Legal?

The simple answer is yes, buying CBD oil is federally legal and it can be shipped to all 50 states. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production and sale of hemp and its extracts, provided the hemp from which the CBD is extracted contains no more than 0.3% THC.

The USDA confirmed in its memo that states cannot interfere with the interstate commerce of hemp or its derivatives.

Where Can I Buy Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Anxiety?

You can purchase Laura’s Homestead Alternatives Full Spectrum CBD oil, lotions and creams, edibles, and softgel capsules through our online store.

Our CBD is extracted from USDA-certified organic hemp grown at Laura’s Mt. Folly Farm. We source 100% of our hemp from Laura’s farm, work closely with a local extractor to create our full spectrum extract, and partner with third-party labs to ensure our products meet label accuracy.

This guarantees that we maintain full control of the product from field to finished good.

Our Top Full Spectrum CBD Products

We carry a range of full spectrum CBD products including:

For relief from anxiety in particular, we recommend our Extra Strength CBD Extract.

We are committed to education and strive to provide you with the most reliable research and information about CBD’s benefits. We recommend that you read our 5 Key Considerations When Buying CBD Oil article before purchasing CBD, and please contact us with any questions.