
Turkey Tail (Trametes Versicolor) Extract (300mg)

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $13.99.

This beautiful woodland mushroom is named for the many-colored bands atop its fuzzy cap, resembling the showy plumage found on the tail feathers of the noble turkey. Growing primarily on hardwood logs, Turkey Tail helps to break down old wood in our forests, thereby improving soil fertility and increasing the overall health of our native ecosystems.

In a similar fashion, this friendly fungi supports the building blocks to our body which can assist us in finding increased health and energy.

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Turkey Tail mushrooms have been traditionally used for their myriad of health and vitality restorative effects. They have been greatly respected in modern herbalism for their ability to support our bodies’ resistance of infections.

Supplement Facts

Serving per container: 10

Serving Size: 3ml

Active Herbal Extract:

Turkey Tail 300mg

Trametes versicolor 

Ingredients: Fresh wildcrafted fruiting body of Trametes versicolor, pure grain spirits (EtOH), distilled water

Dosage: Take 1 to 5ml up to 3 times per day, for up to 3 weeks by mixing 15ml of fresh water. After 3 weeks, discontinue use for 2 weeks the resume and additional course. 

Turkey Tail Mushrooms – Laura’s Mercantile Full Spectrum CBD Oil (

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