Why did we choose to carry the Ancient Nutrition Women’s Extra Strength Regenerative Organic Certified Probiotics?
1) Blend of ingredients designed for women's health that goes beyond the
(many, proprietary, beneficial) probiotic strains to include other supporting
2) Sourcing that respects the land and produces quality
What additional superfoods do Ancient Nutrition Extra Strength Probiotics include?
Schisandra – the “five flavor berry” is an adaptogen perceived to balance systems. Traditional
Chinese Medicine considers the berry to be linked to all five elements. Schisandra lowers inflammatory
responses and positively impacts metabolism, improves acid-base balance and modulates gastric
secretions to the proper level, reducing indigestion and other gastrointestinal disorders. It’s been shown
in both mice studies and double-blind placebo controlled studies with women to improve digestive
health by influencing the composition of the gut microbial community. To top it all off, it improves the
body’s ability to manage stress by reducing cortisol and other “stress hormones” when they have gone
into overdrive production.
Reishi– Another adaptogen, this one of the fungal kingdom, reishi supports beneficial gut health both
by encouraging healthy gut flora and by supporting helpful digestive enzymes to ensure optimal
nutrient uptake. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help with issues like IBS which are
driven by inflammation response. In this blend, Reishi acts as a prebiotic, stimulating a diversity of
beneficial microbes.
Chaga– Chaga, a medicinal polypore mushroom, has been considered a folk remedy for about
everything, as another modulator which has many many beneficial effects through balancing and
modulation, as well as being antiviral, antiparasitic, and anti-cancer. The graphical abstract from the
Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine tells it all, right?!
Why care about “30 diverse strains” of probiotics?
More strains means higher chance that more diversity of biota survives the trip into the gut, and also
broader range of effects and more mechanisms of action.
What’s with “proprietary” probiotics like “Bacillus subtilis AB22”?
Research shows that this probiotic lessens bloating, cramping, and other challenging gut symptoms,
particularly in the context of IBS. One of the keys behind these positive results is that Bacilus subtilis
comes from the soil. It’s found in the soil and in the gut, actually. This goes to show that where the two
are connected, there is health in both.
Healthy Soil, Healthy People
Which brings me to my last “why” we carry Ancient Nutrition’s Women’s Extra Strength Probiotics–
the Regenerative Organic certification is another way to show that the care of the land and the care of
our bodies are linked. This connection between land health and healthy people is at the heart of why
Laura’s Mercantile and Mt. Folly Farm are in business. Thanks for supporting us as we carry on with
this work.