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Full Spectrum CBD Oil Questions

The color of CBD oil is dependent on a couple of factors and generally is a good way to tell what quality of product you are buying / looking at. CBD oil can range from a light gold color to an almost black or dark brown color. Generally speaking the darker the color, the more concentrated the product is. CBD Isolate or CBD by itself is an almost clear color. Full-spectrum CBD oil is a darker color as it is a more concentrated hemp extract. 

Factors affecting the color include the carrier oil, additional ingredients, and the methods of extraction. Additional ingredients tend to include added flavors which vary from brand to brand as well as different products within one brand. Some methods of extraction include, CO2 extraction, Steam distillation, hydrocarbon solvent extraction, and natural solvent extraction. 

Laura’s Mercantile CBD oil is golden in color and our product is as close to the natural plant as possible, meaning that they are full spectrum and contain the maximum amount of benefits. 

There are several factors that play into how long CBD will remain in your system including metabolism, BMI, frequency of CBD use, CBD dosage, and method of administration (sublingual vs. topical vs. edible). A slower metabolism will mean that it will take longer for the CBD to leave the system. The food in your digestive system at the time of ingestion can also affect the bioavailability in your body, meaning that certain foods can increase the absorption of CBD.

 Sublingual ingestion (placing a dose under the tongue) is considered to be more effective than ingestion. “Effective” in this scenario means a higher amount of absorption in a shorter period of time. 

There is still not enough research regarding the toxicology of CBD and how long it is detectable in blood or urine. Existing research indicates that CBD will most likely leave the system within 1-2 weeks. 

The FDA has not approved CBD oils at this time. But, the leadership at Laura’s Mercantile is currently working with the staff of Kentucky’s congressional delegation. Specifically, we are working with U.S. Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s staff to work with the FDA in order to follow policies and procedures for Laura’s Homestead Alternatives to be FDA compliant. 

CBD oil is not addictive.

CBD, derived from hemp, is legal in all 50 states. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the DEA’s purview and removed hemp as a Schedule I substance. Therefore, the production and sale of hemp and its extracts are legal, so long as the hemp from which the CBD is extracted contains no more than 0.3% THC. The USDA confirmed in its memo that states cannot interfere with the commerce of help or its derivatives.

Full spectrum CBD oil means the product contains many cannabinoids beyond CBD, such as CBD, CBDV, CBN, CBG, THC delta9, THC delta8, THCV, CBG, CDC, THCA and CBDA. Full spectrum CBD oil also contains other compounds from the hemp plant, including naturally-occurring terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, protein and more. 

There are different strengths of CBD oil. Generally, CBD oil is sold in bottles containing a certain number of milligrams of CBD, so you may see 750mg, 1500mg, 3000mg bottles and so on. This number references the total milligrams of CBD in the bottle, not per dose.

Measuring strength is dependent upon the size of the bottle. For example, a 2oz. bottle that contains 1500mg of CBD is half as concentrated as a 2oz. bottle that contains 3000mg of CBD. This means a 1mL dose of the 1500mg bottle is half as “strong” as 1mL from the 3000mg bottle.

Product Questions

No. Laura’s Hemp Chocolates contain zero CBD or THC. The chocolates are made with organic hemp hearts, nutty grain kernels which are the seeds of a particular variety of hemp plant, along with dried cranberries, dark chocolate, and raspberry.

Category: Product Questions

There are three common ways to take CBD: orally, sublingually, or topically.


Taking CBD orally is often in the form of capsules, or softgels. This is just like taking any other over-the-counter pill and can make it easier to monitor your dosage since capsules are pre-measured. However, a 2009 study reported CBD taken orally resulted in only a 4% to 20% bioavailability rate (the rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream). This means if you were to take 100mg of CBD, only about 4-20mg will reach your bloodstream.


Sublingually is best when you’re using CBD oil. When taking CBD oil sublingually, you’ll place the oil under your tongue and hold it there for about 90 seconds. This allows your saliva to dissolve the oil, which then passes into your bloodstream. Since this method bypasses your digestive system, CBD taken sublingually has a higher bioavailability rate. Reported rates range from 12-25%.

Aside from our CBD oil, you can try any of out Full spectrum CBD sweets (caramels, chocolates and gummies) made from USDA-certified organic hemp grown at Mt. Folly Farm.


Another method of experiencing CBD is topically, which is said to be good for targeting specific parts of your body. CBD topicals come in the form of creams and lotions.

Category: Product Questions

We use supercritical CO2 extraction, which is among the safest, cleanest methods to extract plant compounds.

Category: Product Questions

Full spectrum CBD products are the most beneficial for your body to consume due to the entourage effect created by the full spectrum of ingredients. An entourage effect describes the combination of ingredients working together giving the body an opportunity to redeem the full benefits of the CBD product.

 Full spectrum CBD products do contain a small amount of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (from here on referred to as THC) which can be detected on a drug screening, however, in this instance the THC is one of the ingredients that help the body to absorb the many natural benefits of CBD, a prime example of the entourage effect. 

CBD topical products are an exception as these products only interact with cells at the application site, therefore not entering the bloodstream and passing through the liver, meaning they will not show up on a drug screen.

Some of the factors affecting the likelihood of full spectrum CBD being flagged on a drug test include, metabolism, frequency of dose, dosage, and method of testing. There are multiple testing methods used to detect drugs in the human body. Full spectrum CBD, if detected at all, is typically flagged on a “dip stick urine test” which separates molecules by weight. Given that THC and CBD have nearly identical molecular weights, CBD could be mistaken for THC on this type of test. There is a higher likelihood of CBD being detected if it was consumed within the 24-hour period prior to the test. A true toxicological blood test can distinguish the difference between CBD and THC.

An alternative to full spectrum CBD is CBD Isolate. CBD isolate is the CBD molecule separated from the rest of the hemp plant, which will have no trace of THC. However, CBD Isolate does not possess the entourage effect and therefore does not provide the same benefits as a full spectrum product. Some of those benefits include terpenes, flavonoids, vitamins and proteins which are all nutritional compounds that aid in overall wellness (“Does CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?,”2019). In addition, CBD Isolate products are highly processed and not natural.

Although CBD has not yet received FDA approval, here at Mt. Folly Farm where the hemp for Laura’s Mercantile products is grown, we work directly with Kentucky Congressional Delegation to ensure we are following all Federal regulations. Full-spectrum products are the most beneficial to consume, however, because there is a small chance that CBD products may be flagged on a drug test it is to your benefit to discuss with your HR department the required testing methods in order to prevent a false positive for THC that could cause problems with employment status. 

Category: Product Questions

The color of CBD oil is dependent on a couple of factors and generally is a good way to tell what quality of product you are buying / looking at. CBD oil can range from a light gold color to an almost black or dark brown color. Generally speaking the darker the color, the more concentrated the product is. CBD Isolate or CBD by itself is an almost clear color. Full-spectrum CBD oil is a darker color as it is a more concentrated hemp extract. 

Factors affecting the color include the carrier oil, additional ingredients, and the methods of extraction. Additional ingredients tend to include added flavors which vary from brand to brand as well as different products within one brand. Some methods of extraction include, CO2 extraction, Steam distillation, hydrocarbon solvent extraction, and natural solvent extraction. 

Laura’s Mercantile CBD oil is golden in color and our product is as close to the natural plant as possible, meaning that they are full spectrum and contain the maximum amount of benefits. 

There are several factors that play into how long CBD will remain in your system including metabolism, BMI, frequency of CBD use, CBD dosage, and method of administration (sublingual vs. topical vs. edible). A slower metabolism will mean that it will take longer for the CBD to leave the system. The food in your digestive system at the time of ingestion can also affect the bioavailability in your body, meaning that certain foods can increase the absorption of CBD.

 Sublingual ingestion (placing a dose under the tongue) is considered to be more effective than ingestion. “Effective” in this scenario means a higher amount of absorption in a shorter period of time. 

There is still not enough research regarding the toxicology of CBD and how long it is detectable in blood or urine. Existing research indicates that CBD will most likely leave the system within 1-2 weeks. 

The FDA has not approved CBD oils at this time. But, the leadership at Laura’s Mercantile is currently working with the staff of Kentucky’s congressional delegation. Specifically, we are working with U.S. Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s staff to work with the FDA in order to follow policies and procedures for Laura’s Homestead Alternatives to be FDA compliant. 

CBD oil is not addictive.

CBD, derived from hemp, is legal in all 50 states. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the DEA’s purview and removed hemp as a Schedule I substance. Therefore, the production and sale of hemp and its extracts are legal, so long as the hemp from which the CBD is extracted contains no more than 0.3% THC. The USDA confirmed in its memo that states cannot interfere with the commerce of help or its derivatives.

There are different strengths of CBD oil. Generally, CBD oil is sold in bottles containing a certain number of milligrams of CBD, so you may see 750mg, 1500mg, 3000mg bottles and so on. This number references the total milligrams of CBD in the bottle, not per dose.

Measuring strength is dependent upon the size of the bottle. For example, a 2oz. bottle that contains 1500mg of CBD is half as concentrated as a 2oz. bottle that contains 3000mg of CBD. This means a 1mL dose of the 1500mg bottle is half as “strong” as 1mL from the 3000mg bottle.

No. CBD is sold online and through many brick and mortar stores.

Category: Product Questions