Dear Friends,
“Stress will kill you,” said his doctor, this story recounted to me by a close friend long before COVID made anxiety the proverbial elephant in the room.
For me, a Type A personality to the max, stress manifests in my sleep cycles. I wake up at 4:00 a.m., my mind racing. I know to meditate, get exercise, and have come to find Homestead Alternatives Hemp helps.
But, yes, chronic stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, poor immune function, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression — pretty much everything bad in the modern world. It hits us all, whether you are a “type A,” an extrovert, an introvert, or wear no label.
I was particularly interested to find a peer-reviewed journal article which detailed one of the physical ways stress impacts our bodies at the cellular level, by reducing telomere length. The link to the article is here, showing that telomere length indicates cellular age, rather than chronological age. So shortening end caps on your chromosomes, telomeres, is directly tied to the warning that “stress will kill you.”
I don’t want to go before my time, so I try to do the whole program: walking at least 3 miles every day, getting my heart rate up with a short fast run, and now that I’m vaccinated, rejoining my yoga class. (Zoom just wasn’t the same.)
I’ve also come to rely on Homestead Alternative Full-Spectrum CBD for sleep. While it’s not perfect, I’ve found it helps, as have many others.
Walking in nature helps, too. Later this spring and summer, I’ll be inviting customers of Laura’s Mercantile to come take a walk with me on the farm. We might even do some yoga under the oak trees at the Homestead Log Cabin!
In the meantime, if I can get my husband to quit snoring, I’ll sleep like a baby!
As always, thanks for being a friend of Laura’s Mercantile, and supporting Homestead Alternative products.